Colegio Felix de Jesus Rougier building. A building with a fence around it

Colegio Felix de Jesus Rougier FJR Tampico

Transforming education with technology and humanity.

  • 국가: 멕시코
  • 산업: 교육
  • 해결책: Digital Age Networking

In a world where education is constantly evolving, FJR Tampico set out to achieve an exceptional standard and remain at the forefront of quality and technology. To realize their vision of becoming an “intelligent institution”, they wanted to integrate new technologies efficiently to maximize the learning and safety of their students and staff. They also wanted to centralize the network for better administration; comprehensive security, access and content control for students; and protection of administrative and personal data.

Colegio Felix de Jesus Rougier customer logo
As educators, our goal is to maintain warmth and connection in our approach to teaching while leveraging technology to stay connected with our students. The solutions from Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise support these goals by being reliable and secure.
M. Franci Alejandra Sandoval, General Director | Félix de Jesús Rougier School, Tampico


Colegio Felix de Jesus Rougier customer video EN

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